16 days, 11 states, and 5,749.2 miles!

What a fabulous, wonderful road trip to Yellowstone National Park, and many other National Park Service sites! We created memories and stories to last a lifetime. On this trip, we canvassed 11 states (not including Pennsylvania), and traveled a total of 5,749.2 miles over 16 days (not quite the feat we achieved with the Grand Canyon Road Trip in August 2013, but close enough for me). Thank you to the National Park Service for the incredible and indispensable work it does for all of us. And thank you again for the Interstate Highway System , without which this road trip would not have been possible. Thank you to Clare and Conor for being such good sports throughout the trip. It was stressful at times, we got on each other's nerves, I acted a bit odd on occasion, I was obsessed at times with the travel blog, but all in all they weathered the ups and downs and seemed to enjoy most of the stops, road side attractions, and quirky museums (the out of the way and small town museums ...